
If you like watching videos, check out my YouTube channel. If you like reading, below are selected posts that I wrote over a long stretch of time.

Warning: some posts contain outdated opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.


Collecting university information during interviews
Removing adoption barriers for formal methods
Software engineering as engineering
Traceability of architectural variability
Building software in-house
End-user architecting
Single-window GUI for IDE


What not to do in programming classes
Students on static analysis
CMU ITA test


Marathons: Twin Cities’19, Marine Corps’18, Honolulu’17, Chicago’17, NYC’16, Philadelphia’15, Amsterdam’14, Boston’14, CIM’13, Quebec’13, Cleveland’13, Columbus’12, Pittsburgh’12.
Profiles: Athlinks, Strava, PRTC


Passing driver’s test in Pittsburgh
Bringing European electronics to the US
Pittsburgh churches: one, two, three