@techreport{ruchkin_architectural_2014, address = {Pittsburgh, {PA}}, type = {Technical Report}, title = {Architectural Modeling of Ozone Widget Framework End-User Compositions}, url = {http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/anon/isr2014/abstracts/14-108.html}, abstract = {Ozone Widget Framework ({OWF}) is an event-based web platform for lightweight integration of widget applications. This technical report presents a formal model of {OWF}’s widget composition mechanism. First, we present a detailed description of Ozone’s end user composition mechanism. Then, we describe our architectural modeling approach and its value for analysis of {OWF} widget compositions. We go through the process of creating an architectural style to represent assemblies of Ozone widgets, reviewing modeling decision points and style alternatives.}, number = {{CMU}-{ISR}-14-108}, institution = {Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University}, author = {Ruchkin, Ivan and Dwivedi, Vishal and Garlan, David and Schmerl, Bradley}, month = jun, year = {2014}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.1.4096.1449} }