@inproceedings{pandey_towards_2017, title = {Towards a {Formal} {Framework} for {Hybrid} {Planning} in {Self}-{Adaptation}}, doi = {10.1109/SEAMS.2017.14}, abstract = {Decision-making approaches in self-adaptation face a fundamental trade-off between quality and timeliness of adaptation plans. Due to this trade-off, designers often have to make an offline compromise between finding adaptation plans quickly and finding closer-to-optimal plans that demand longer computation times. Recent work has proposed that hybrid planning can resolve this trade-off dynamically, achieving higher utility than either fast or slow approaches individually. The promise of hybrid planning is to combine multiple decision-making approaches at run time to produce adaptation plans of the high quality within given time constraints. However, the diversity of decision-making approaches makes the problem of hybrid planning complex and multi-faceted. This paper advances the theory of hybrid planning by formalizing the central concepts and four sub-problems of hybrid planning. This formalization can serve as a foundation for creating and evaluating hybrid planners in the future.}, booktitle = {2017 {IEEE}/{ACM} 12th {International} {Symposium} on {Software} {Engineering} for {Adaptive} and {Self}-{Managing} {Systems} ({SEAMS})}, author = {Pandey, Ashutosh and Ruchkin, Ivan and Schmerl, Bradley and Camara, Javier}, month = may, year = {2017}, keywords = {Adaptive systems, Cognition, decision making, Decision making, Decision-making, decision-making approaches, Face, formal framework, Formal model, formal verification, hybrid planning, offline compromise, planning, Planning, self-adaptation, Self-adaptive systems, Servers, Time factors}, pages = {109--115} }